
Q: What is a "rationalist"?

A: The rationalists are a group of people that have loosely congregated around the websites Overcoming Bias, LessWrong, and Slatestarcodex/Astral Codex Ten. 

Q: Why do you call yourselves "rationalists"? Are you assholes?

A: Everyone - ε hates the term "rationalism", but no one has found a better term.

Q: What do you guys do?

A: We meet up every Wednesday to chat about rationalist topics, hang out, and eat food. We also meet on the weekends to lift weights, hike, watch movies, throw parties.

Q: Who can come to your meetups?

A: Anyone who's enjoyed any article from Overcoming Bias, LessWrong, or SSC/ACX. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, are new to the community, not like “the typical rationalists”, worried people won’t like you, or anything else. You'll be fine!

We welcome people of all ages, genders, and orientations. 

Q: Who are you?

A: I'm Vishal. Ping me on the Discord, or DM me,  if you have any questions. I'm "Vishal" or "koreindian" there.



Cursed Meme Dimension